Topic description and stories

Energy city

Cambridge Ideas - The future of energy?

30 Jul 2012

Today, we consume a truly vast amount of energy - with demand continuing to skyrocket at an alarming rate.

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Still from Memories of old awake

Cambridge Ideas - Memories Of Old Awake

26 Sep 2011

Cambridge University academic, Dr Emily Lethbridge, is breathing new life and understanding into the centuries-old Sagas of Icelanders (...

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Don't Eat the Plants

Cambridge Ideas - Don't Eat the Plants

23 May 2011

Are plants as defenceless as they appear? //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //-->

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Professor with Police Officer

Cambridge Ideas - The Crime Experiment

12 Apr 2011

Eminent criminologist Prof Lawrence Sherman has just set up a long term experiment with the police, to scientifically study crime in Manchester and...

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Cambridge Ideas - The Music In Me

31 Mar 2011

Dr Jason Rentfrow, from the University's Department of Social and Developmental Psychology, explores the links between personality and musical taste...

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Ant upside down

Cambridge Ideas - Sticky Feet

31 Mar 2011

Ants have incredibly sticky feet. With them they can hang onto ceilings, while carrying 100 times their body weight...

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St Peter Port harbour

Cambridge Ideas - Forgotten Heroes

31 Mar 2011

A Cambridge University archaeologist, along with two other researchers in Guernsey, has uncovered a previously unseen archive featuring the...

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icy world

Cambridge Ideas: This Icy World

30 Mar 2011

Cambridge University glaciologist Professor Julian Dowdeswell has spent three years of his life in the polar regions. //-->

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Computer projected

Cambridge Ideas - The Emotional Computer

10 Jan 2011

Cambridge University film provides a glimpse of how robots and humans could interact in the future...

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Cambridge Ideas - Vanishing Voices

15 Nov 2010

Of the world's 6,500 living languages, half will cease to be spoken by the end of this century. //-->

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Wordsworth notebook

Cambridge Ideas - Strange Seas of Thought

15 Nov 2010

A journey into Wordsworth's mind and the process of creation

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Cambridge Ideas - Just Add Water

11 Nov 2010

Rotifers are tiny animals that survive against all the odds. //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //--> //-->

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