Tiny sketchbooks that bring to life one of the most famous voyages in history have been digitised and made available online for the first time.
As Great British Bake Off sizzles towards tomorrow’s final, historian Sophie McGeevor reveals the less glamorous realities that faced working class...
A PhD student’s research at Cambridge’s Department of History and Philosophy of Science has revealed how racist ideas and images circulated between...
In a talk on Monday (10 March, 2014) Sophie McGeevor (Faculty of History) will explain how her research into a collection of autobiographies by...
For 20 years architectural historian Dr James Campbell waited for someone to write a definitive book about libraries. When he decided to write one...
A database of Welsh tweets is being used to identify the characteristics of an evolving language.
The Corn Returns – market data from the 19th century and beyond – represent a valuable resource for economic historians looking at the emergence of...
As Francois Hollande takes up his seat as President of France, will he be able to live up to the huge expectations of those who voted for him or will...
A talk at the University of Cambridge’s Festival of Ideas this evening will focus on the extraordinary life of Alexander Crummell – the son of a...