In a paper published in the autumn 2014 issue of History Workshop Journal Dr Amy Erickson unravels the fascinating history of the titles used to...
Almost four centuries ago, ancestors of the Kalmyk people trekked across central Asia to form a Buddhist nation on the edge of Europe. Today Kalmyk...
With the autumn 2014 fashion shows in full swing, all eyes are on the top designers. In 16th-century Italy, the latest looks didn't always go down...
Historic recipe books and physicians’ manuals featuring home-made cures from the 17th century have gone on display to the public for the first time...
Earlier this year a conservator at the Hamilton Kerr Institute made a surprising discovery while working on a 17th-century painting owned by the...
Art historian Dr Meredith Hale reveals that a 17th-century screen, commissioned by the Viceroy of Mexico for a palace designed to impress visitors...
The early modern period (1500-1800) saw a surge in the keeping of records. A conference later this week (9-10 April 2014) at the British Academy will...
People trafficking is a billion-dollar business with a history that spans centuries. A new study identifies the beginnings of the modern trafficker...
For 20 years architectural historian Dr James Campbell waited for someone to write a definitive book about libraries. When he decided to write one...
Scholars arriving in Cambridge in the 17th century were not short of advice. James Duport, a tutor at Trinity College, compiled rules that covered...
The management of childbirth and care of newborns have always been hotly-debated topics. PhD candidate Leah Astbury looks at narratives of...
A database of Welsh tweets is being used to identify the characteristics of an evolving language.