Henry VIII statue on the Great Gate of Trinity College Cambridge

Katherine Parr did not persuade Henry VIII to found Trinity College Cambridge

17 May 2022

King Henry VIII had already made up his mind to found Trinity College Cambridge and Christ Church Oxford before Cambridge lobbied his queen, a re-examination of 16th-century sources suggests. Professor Richard Rex's study undermines a popular 'Cambridge version' of events, sheds new light on the Chantries Act and emphasises the king's ability to take big decisions.

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King’s College Chapel: A History and Commentary by John Saltmarsh

King’s College Chapel: an architectural masterpiece and the man who told its story

16 December 2015

Five hundred years ago the masons working on one of the world’s most famous buildings completed the stonework of a chapel conceived some 70 years earlier. For several decades, King’s College Chapel had stood partially built in the heart of Cambridge. The story of the chapel is told in riveting detail by John Saltmarsh, who died in 1974 before completing his magnum opus.

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John Speed's proof map of Cambridgeshire

Mapping the origins of a masterpiece

21 April 2011

Published 400 years ago, the first comprehensive atlas of Great Britain is being celebrated by Cambridge University Library, home to one of only five surviving proof sets, all of which differ in their composition.

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