The letters before they were opened and read by Renaud Morieux at The National Archives, Kew

French love letters confiscated by Britain finally read after 265 years

07 November 2023

Over 100 letters sent to French sailors, but never delivered, have been read for the first time since they were written in 1757-8. The letters include heart-breaking love letters and evidence of family quarrels. The letters were seized by Britain’s Royal Navy during the Seven Years’ War and forgotten about until historian Renaud Morieux studied them.

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Gurkha recruits awaiting inspection c.1950. The never-before-seen footage has been released to mark the launch of the Amateur Cinema Studies Network,

Candid camera

19 June 2012

After years of being overlooked as a film genre, amateur cinema is finally being recognised by academics as a form that merits serious study in its own right, offering a surprisingly candid eye on people and the past. Now a new research network will, for the first time, bring their work together in one place.

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Ned Ludd

Rage against the machine

11 April 2012

April 2012 marks the bicentenary of the high-water mark of the Luddite rebellion – but new research suggests that the movement may be celebrated for the wrong reasons.

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Fair Wagon

The 800-year-old story of Stourbridge Fair

08 September 2011

In medieval times Stourbridge Common was the site of one of Europe’s largest fairs – a bustling centre for shopping, eating and revelry, offering temptations of every kind. An Open Cambridge event on Saturday 10 September will tell the fascinating 800-year-old story of Stourbridge Fair.

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Advertisement from Daily Mail Ideal Labour-Saving Home, 1920

Who mops the floor now? How domestic service shaped 20th-century Britain

28 July 2011

From the fictional Downton Abbey to the modest suburban semi, domestic service has had a prominent role in the story, whether real or imagined, of British society over the past 100 years. In Knowing Their Place: Domestic Service in Twentieth-Century Britain, Cambridge historian Dr Lucy Delap navigates the shifting drama played out in that most intimate and domestic workplace: the home.

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