Remote takeover: How RealVNC conquered the world

30 July 2013

First released in 1998, RealVNC’s remote access and control software is today used in more than a billion devices. After winning the UK’s main award for innovation in engineering, CEO and founder Andy Harter explains how it became one of the most successful Cambridge University spin-outs of all time.

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Image taken in stratosphere using Android phone, from previous CUSF project ‘Squirrel 3’ which used smartphone to pilot high-altitude balloon

Your chance to ‘scream in space’ using smartphone technology

25 October 2012

Cambridge students will be loading human screams onto a smartphone that will be blasted into outer space later this year. The public are invited to submit their screams, which will be emitted while in orbit at the same time as the phone records - to test if it’s possible to capture the sound of screaming in space.

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What is the price of free?

06 March 2012

Scientists from the Computer Laboratory at Cambridge University have designed a method to improve privacy control in the Android apps market. The method reaches a balance between the need for developer’s revenue and the need for user’s privacy.

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