Detail from Five Ships - Mounts Bay (1928) by Alfred Wallis

A Handful of Objects

23 March 2016

Five key objects from the world-class collections at Kettle’s Yard have been made available online to view through film, sound, photographs and 360 degree views.

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An over-dressed Victorian man looking at the nude Venus de Milo.

How classical sculpture helped to set impossible standards of beauty

18 July 2015

What do we mean when we say that someone has ‘classical’ good looks? Are male nudes in art appropriate viewing for family audiences? In looking at the arguments ignited by the opening, in 1854, of an exhibition of Greek and Roman statuary, Dr Kate Nichols explores the ways in which notions of beauty, morality and gender are intertwined.

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Fragments of figurines found on Keros

Island of broken figurines

10 June 2011

Why were Bronze Age figurines smashed, transported and buried in shallow pits on the Aegean island of Keros? New research sheds light on a 4,500-year-old mystery.

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