Jason Warr

Filmed behind bars

07 July 2012

For thousands of people in Britain, prison is a grim reality. For the rest of us, it holds a fascination that is all too often simply prurient. Jason Warr, a PhD student at Cambridge University who has served a custodial sentence himself, offers a critique of television documentaries filmed behind bars.

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Does Prison Work?

Security 'obsession' hampering prison debate

26 October 2011

Public and government obsession with security is hampering a rational, open debate about prison policy, the former governor of Brixton Prison told a debate at the Cambridge Festival of Ideas last week.

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Johann Koehler

Criminal rehabilitation: a spotlight on Europe

12 September 2011

With recent reports stating that almost three quarters of those charged with offences during the London riots had prior convictions, attention has turned to Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke’s description of Britain’s “broken penal system”. Johann Koehler, from the Institute of Criminology, discusses some of the latest projects to reduce reoffending, and how politicians may have to risk the ‘soft on crime’ label to move forward.

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Sphinx of Giza (2005-05-290)

Egyptology in prisons

08 February 2008

The project Accessing Virtual Egypt is breaking new ground in knowledge transfer between museums and prisons, with empowering results

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