Scientists identify protein that stimulates brown fat to burn calories
11 May 2012Protein highlights ‘ideal mechanism’ for development of new therapies to fight obesity.
Protein highlights ‘ideal mechanism’ for development of new therapies to fight obesity.
A study of infant growth, tracking 2,400 babies from gestation to the age of two, has provided data of unique depth – and is already adding to our understanding of the development of life-threatening conditions, including obesity. The Cambridge University scientists who led the research now plan to follow the same children through another key phase of development - puberty.
An international study of 220,000 people has challenged the idea that obese people who have an “apple shape” (fat deposits on the middle section of the body) are at higher risk of heart attacks and strokes than obese people with other types of fat distribution.
Study on effects of anti-obesity drug on the brain paves way for more effective treatments.
Rats fed a high-fat diet show a stark reduction in their physical endurance and a decline in their cognitive ability after just nine days, a new study has shown.
A new European research consortium, in which Cambridge will play a major role, is to receive 3 million Euros to conduct research into the escalating epidemic of obesity. The 'EurOCHIP’ project brings together a group of leading European experts to investigate how signals from the gut communicate with the brain to control appetite.
Epigenetics is taking the biomedical research world by storm; three Cambridge scientists use examples from their own research to explain why.
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has signed its first agreement with the University to optimise the early clinical development of new GSK medicines for obesity and addictive disorders.
For some people, the urge to eat is uncontrollable. Cambridge scientists have taken us a step closer to understanding the causes of obesity by studying a group of patients for whom overeating is an everyday event.