Using lasers to ‘heat and beat’ 3D-printed steel could help reduce costs
30 October 2023Researchers have developed a new method for 3D printing metal that could help reduce costs and make more efficient use of resources.
Researchers have developed a new method for 3D printing metal that could help reduce costs and make more efficient use of resources.
Researchers have built a nano-engine that could form the basis for future applications in nano-robotics, including robots small enough to enter living cells.
Aditya Sadhanala wanders over to the wall, turns a pulley, and a wooden box about a metre squared swings up and away. Below it gleams an array of carefully positioned lasers, deflectors and sensors surrounding a piece of glass no bigger than a contact lens. He flips a switch and creates a ‘mirage’.
A new technique which uses light like a needle to thread long chains of particles could help bring sci-fi concepts such as cloaking devices one step closer to reality.
A combination of nanotechnology and a unique twisting property of light could lead to new methods for ensuring the purity and safety of pharmaceuticals.