Palestinian Hajj paintings by the entrance to a reconstructed Synagogue in the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City.

Divided cities do not flourish

08 November 2012

A landmark study of divided cities such as Jerusalem and Belfast suggests that while physical divisions remain these cities cannot thrive, and that a 'post-conflict’ phase in these urban centres can be a misconception.

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Ben Ezra Synagogue

Treasures of the genizah

01 September 2009

How did an Egyptian storeroom come to hold a thousand years worth of manuscript fragments and why are they one of the greatest literary treasures ever found?

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Barrier from Isawiyya village into Jerusalem

Conflict in cities

01 September 2007

Conflict is inherent to the urban condition, yet only in some cities do contention and dissent erupt to unacceptable and destructive levels. How do contested cities absorb and reflect this conflict?

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