Rio Anarkia

International Relations student awarded MBE

09 January 2012

A student on the Master of Studies in International Relations course, Damian Platt, has been awarded the MBE for his work in the favelas, or shantytowns, of Rio de Janeiro. Damian was given the award by HRH the Prince of Wales at a ceremony at Buckingham Palace in December.

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Flag of the United Nations.

Global politics on the agenda at Hay

22 May 2011

Ahead of her talk at the Hay Festival, Dr Amrita Narlikar, Director of the University of Cambridge's new Centre for Rising Powers, discusses how countries like Brazil and China are changing the shape of global politics.

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United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Power in the balance

11 May 2011

A new research hub dedicated to the study of emerging powers and how different nations evolve to become leading political forces on the world stage, is being created at the University of Cambridge.

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