Patching up a broken heart

16 June 2017

It is almost impossible for an injured heart to fully mend itself. Within minutes of being deprived of oxygen – as happens during a heart attack when arteries to the heart are blocked – the heart’s muscle cells start to die. Sanjay Sinha wants to mend these hearts so that they work again. 

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Heart beat

‘Good’ cholesterol doesn’t always lower heart attack risk

11 March 2016

Some people with high levels of ‘good’ high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) are at increased risk of coronary heart disease, contrary to earlier evidence that people with more HDL-C are usually at lower heart disease risk. This finding comes from an international study involving researchers at the University of Cambridge, funded by the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

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Old drug performs new tricks

21 September 2015

Patients with the most dangerous type of high blood pressure will be able to receive far more effective treatment after Cambridge-led research reveals the powers of a "wonder drug" that has lain under the noses of doctors for 50 years.

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Body builders: collagen scaffolds

04 June 2014

Miniature scaffolds made from collagen – the ‘glue’ that holds our bodies together – are being used to heal damaged joints, and could be used to develop new cancer therapies or help repair the heart after a heart attack.

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Plans (subject to final design selection) of the Heart and Lung Research Institute (left) and new Papworth Hospital

Expanding the heart and lungs of medicine

07 November 2012

Fundraising is under way for a joint Cambridge University and Papworth Hospital Heart and Lung Research Institute – to sit alongside the anticipated new Papworth Hospital on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus – enabling a major expansion of cardiorespiratory research in Cambridge.

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