Alps Tree branch

Two new Climate Change Master's programmes launched at Cambridge

30 October 2019

The University of Cambridge is launching two new climate-focused graduate programmes, exploring the past and potential futures of the interaction between the planet and humanity, to train a new generation of creative and innovative leaders to respond to our most pressing global challenge.

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Sea Change

22 March 2019

The coast is an intrinsic part of British identity – and perhaps nowhere is it more at risk than in the East of England. Cambridge researchers are working with communities and organisations across the region to manage the coast for the future, by working with nature rather than against it.

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Britain from the Air: 1945-2009

21 February 2019

Aerial photographs of Britain from the 1940s to 2009 – dubbed the ‘historical Google Earth’ – have been made freely available online.

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Fossilised tree and ice cores help date huge volcanic eruption 1,000 years ago to within three months

24 January 2017

An international team of researchers has managed to pinpoint, to within three months, a medieval volcanic eruption in east Asia the precise date of which has puzzled historians for decades. They have also shown that the so-called “Millennium eruption” of Changbaishan volcano, one of the largest in history, cannot have brought about the downfall of an important 10th century kingdom, as was previously thought.

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The Tibetan lama who wrote a world geography

14 June 2014

A study by Tibetan scholar Lobsang Yongdan revisits a long-ignored section of a historic text to reveal how Tibetans were engaging with western scientific knowledge two centuries ago.  His research into a geography of the world, first published by a lama in 1830, challenges stereotypical views of Tibet as an isolated and inward-looking society. 

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Mudflat and marsh at Abbots Hall, Essex

After the flood: harnessing the power of mud

31 January 2013

On the 60th Anniversary of the ‘big flood’ that devastated the coastline of eastern England, new research shows that integrating ‘natural’ sea defences such as salt marshes with sea walls is a more sustainable and effective method of flood prevention.

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John Speed's proof map of Cambridgeshire

Mapping the origins of a masterpiece

21 April 2011

Published 400 years ago, the first comprehensive atlas of Great Britain is being celebrated by Cambridge University Library, home to one of only five surviving proof sets, all of which differ in their composition.

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