Jackdaws on nest box

Here’s looking at you: research shows jackdaws can recognise individual human faces

11 August 2015

When you’re prey, being able to spot and assess the threat posed by potential predators is of life-or-death importance. In a paper published today in Animal Behaviour, researchers from the University of Cambridge’s Department of Psychology show that wild jackdaws recognise individual human faces, and may be able to tell whether or not predators are looking directly at them.

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Neurons, in vitrio colour!

The man with the golden brain

13 December 2011

What’s the point of a brain? This fundamental question has led Professor Daniel Wolpert to some remarkable conclusions about how and why the brain controls and predicts movement. In a recent talk for TED, Wolpert explores the research that resulted in him receiving the Golden Brain Award.

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The ethics of smart drugs

31 October 2011

Professor Barbara Sahakian, Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology at the University of Cambridge, has been researching cognitive enhancers for over a decade. Here she discusses the emergence of ‘smart drugs’ and the ethical and practical issues they raise.

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Major new study into brain ageing

25 May 2010

Efforts to understand the effects of ageing on the brain have been given a major boost with the announcement of a new £5m grant from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) to Cambridge researchers.

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