Vanishing point

‘Glue’ that makes plant cell walls strong could hold the key to wooden skyscrapers

21 December 2016

Molecules 10,000 times narrower than the width of a human hair could hold the key to making possible wooden skyscrapers and more energy-efficient paper production, according to research published today in the journal Nature Communications. The study, led by a father and son team at the Universities of Warwick and Cambridge, solves a long-standing mystery of how key sugars in cells bind to form strong, indigestible materials.

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Close-up of the moss pots incorporated into a novel table developed at Cambridge University.

The hidden power of moss

22 September 2011

Scientists at Cambridge University are exhibiting a prototype table that demonstrates how biological fuel cells can harness energy from plants.

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Cambridge Conservation Initiative

01 May 2009

The Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI) is a new and pioneering partnership formed by the University of Cambridge and leading conservation organisations.

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