
Mice sing like jet engines to find a mate

10 October 2016

Mice court one another with ultrasonic love songs that are inaudible to the human ear. New research shows they make these unique high frequency sounds using a mechanism that has only previously been observed in supersonic jet engines.

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Tea kettle whistle. Homepage banner image: Dwayne Bent (Att-SA)

How the kettle got its whistle

24 October 2013

Researchers have finally worked out where the noise that makes kettles whistle actually comes from – a problem which has puzzled scientists for more than 100 years.

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Violin -- closeup

String theories: the mathematics of the violin

07 March 2013

The screeching produced by children starting out on the violin has curdled the blood of many a parent over the centuries. A pre-concert talk at the Science Festival asks what science can tell us about why the violin is so hard to play.

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Virtual violins

01 September 2008

Why does one violin sound different to another? Investigating this question has brought together researchers from music, engineering, experimental psychology and computer science.

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