The master of mutations
Dr Alex Cagan on cancer resistance and healthier ageing.

Are you one thing, or many?
Your body is a cooperative of staggering proportions. Billions of individual cells act in harmony to keep ‘you’ going. Each cell carries its own copy of the rulebook for collaboration, your genome, making you a mosaic of blueprints and quirks.
Dr Alex Cagan (St Catharine’s 2006) – illustrator, geneticist and explorer of animal DNA – is offering a new perspective on this tapestry of life. His work has profound implications for the pursuit of healthy ageing and the possibilities of cancer resistance.
“Our bodies are like those pointillist paintings by Seurat,” Cagan says. “From far away, we look like coherent individuals.”
“But close-up, everyone is made of an abundance of dots. Each of us is a diverse community. You are an evolving population of cells.”
Cagan is a rare triple appointment at Cambridge. As an Assistant Professor, he is shared between three departments: Genetics, Veterinary Medicine and Pathology. He works on the blossoming field of somatic evolutionary genomics.
Son of a thespian and a set designer, Cagan was originally set for art rather than science. He was drawn into science at Cambridge, after doing an undergraduate degree in Anthropology.
“I’ve always sketched, and kept doing it during my PhD. I got more into science illustration by going to conferences and sketching the speakers during their talks.
Cagan's illustration, accompanying his research paper, on the cover of Nature (21 April 2022)
Cagan's illustration, accompanying his research paper, on the cover of Nature (21 April 2022)
“There’s a lot of overlap in the creativity needed for arts and the work I do in science. Creativity is fundamental to the scientific process. Coming up with a hypothesis requires you to imagine a world that you can then test against reality.
“I wouldn’t be working on somatic evolution if I hadn’t been asked to illustrate a conference on the topic. It completely blew my mind.”
Mutating into the future
From the moment your first cell divides into two, you play host to slightly different genomes. Each cell’s genome copy is prone to errors: in the act of duplication, and the bruising experience of staying alive. As you age, time takes its toll and the rulebook gets corrupted. The discrepancy between all those genome versions gradually widens.
Mutations are what cause the copies of the genome we are born with to diverge. Most mutations have little or no effect on how our cells function. Some are harmful to their hosts. Cancer is a painful example of how somatic mutations can cause disease.
In crucial, rare cases, mutations can exhibit positive changes.
“Mutations are the raw material of evolution,” Cagan says. “Their variation is what gives life its diversity. I want to look at how mutations work – how that process varies across different species and cell types.”
Until recently, genetic variability on a cellular level was invisible to scientists. Instead, we studied population and species level genetics by focusing on the germline.
The germline is the collection of cells that develop into gametes (our sperm and egg cells). The germline’s hereditary material is immortal and handed down to future generations. This is in contrast to the somatic cells that form the building blocks of our bodies, and are not directly passed down to our children. In the last few years, technology has made it possible to see mutations on the somatic level. Scientists like Cagan can now detect mutations in just one cell in your body.
Previously, scientists considered errors in replication as the primary source of mutations. It now seems likely that most mutations come not from division, but from inaccurate repair of DNA damage. Our best guess is that every cell gets about 70,000 lesions to its genome per day. These can result from internal factors – the stress of chemical reactions happening inside the cell – or external ones – such as exposure to environmental pollutants.
“Every cell has machinery to repair this damage, but it doesn’t always work perfectly. Every now and then, damage is incorrectly repaired, and you get a mutation.
“We’re now learning about the mutation rates of different tissues. Your skin, for example, has a very high mutation rate – that’s because it’s exposed to UV radiation from the sun.
“Sperm and eggs also accumulate mutations, but at a dramatically lower rate.”
As carriers of the immortal germline, it makes evolutionary sense for the information in sperm and egg cells to be fiercely protected. Our bodies just need to last long enough to pass on this material to the next generation.
But how is this lower mutation rate achieved in sperm and egg cells?
“That’s the million-pound question,” Cagan smiles. “Do our bodies have the capacity to better protect certain cells from DNA damage? Or do these cells have vastly superior mechanisms to repair this damage? If so, could we harness this repair ability, and apply it to our bodies more widely?
“If we could, you could likely lower the rate of cancer and other illnesses. We could potentially even slow ageing itself.”
Cagan at the Department of Genetics
Cagan at the Department of Genetics
Under the microscope
Life on Earth relies on DNA. Meaning we all face the same challenge: how do you protect the integrity of the genome? How does an organism live for centuries, avoiding the constant corruption of mutations?
By analysing DNA and its mutations in many contexts, scientists can learn how different species have solved these universal problems. We can compare lifespans, metabolisms, and, Cagan’s forte: mutational rates.
“I receive a lot of samples from a collaboration with London Zoo. When an animal dies of natural causes, they'll take a tissue biopsy. It gets sent to our friends at the Sanger Institute, where a histologist will embed it in wax. Then we slice it and make little sections for microscope slides.”
An artist with a digital pen, Cagan draws a path in the tissue for a laser to follow. The laser microscope cuts out the cells, which drop onto a little plate. Once a sample successfully lands, Cagan gets to work.
Read them closely enough, and cells reveal their stories. To determine what caused a mutation, Cagan looks for signatures in the samples. He’s grown familiar with the telltale signs of oxidative stress or UV damage.
If Cagan knows how old the animal was when it died, he can calculate its mutation rate – how many mutations the animal’s cells were subjected to each year of its life.
In a previous paper, Cagan’s team measured the mutational rate of 16 species for the first time. They found that the rate at which animals accumulate mutations in their somatic cells correlates strongly with lifespan.
Cagan's illustration showing the mutation rate of different animals. He says: “In a cell we looked at, a mouse was getting about 800 mutations a year. In humans that rate was about 50. But by the end of lifespan, it was about the same number of mutations."
Cagan's illustration showing the mutation rate of different animals. He says: “In a cell we looked at, a mouse was getting about 800 mutations a year. In humans that rate was about 50. But by the end of lifespan, it was about the same number of mutations."
“Almost every biological process we look at scales with lifespan. This may be why it’s so hard to stop ageing. Everything is in sync: our biological systems last long enough, then all fall apart at roughly the same time.
“This is a critical part of ageing. As you get older, there are so many different decaying systems that something critical is bound to fall apart. This means there is unlikely to be a neat, single method to slow down ageing.”
Life in slow motion
So, how have other animals coped with the problem of ageing?
Meet the Greenland Shark, the planet’s longest-lived vertebrate. They inhabit the cold, deep ocean, and can live for up to 500 years. An icy habitat slows down their metabolism.
By living in slow motion, species like this may get fewer mutations – a reduced pace of life that lowers the stress levels placed on the shark’s cells.
In 2022, a Greenland Shark washed up on the Cornish coast. Researchers reckon the shark was a ‘young’ adult, of around 200 years of age. Through the Cetacean Strandings Investigation Program, Cagan was able to get a sample. He can now begin to sequence the shark to determine its mutation rate.
The precise method by which the Greenland Shark survives for so long is yet to be determined, as is the case for most long-lived animals.
Cagan also has a connection for the hydra vulgaris – a freshwater polyp that has been dubbed ‘biologically immortal’. With the form of a miniature palm tree, the hydra replaces every cell in its body every 20 days. Unlike slow-motion species, hydra aren’t dormant or inactive. They’re constantly dividing, but don’t bear any hallmarks of ageing. How the hydra deals with mutations is beyond our current understanding. Cagan’s lab is attempting to measure the hydra’s mutation rate to try and understand its mysterious longevity.
Cagan's illustration of different creatures' lifespans
Cagan's illustration of different creatures' lifespans
Are there other species that have a long lifespan relative to their size, that also have high metabolic rates? Yes: hummingbirds. They have 10 times the metabolic rate that we do, but live much longer than would a mammal of their size. Hummingbirds have to eat every 20 minutes, but can live up to 10 years. This extraordinary longevity may require stellar mechanisms of DNA repair.
At the moment, this area is a black hole in our knowledge. Thanks to the work of Cagan and others, we know the mutation rates of around 20 to 30 species – and that’s about it. We have an opportunity and a pressing need to explore widely.
Cagan working in his office
Cagan working in his office
If you’re a multicellular organism, Cagan wants to sequence you. He’s currently investigating the patterns of mutation in flamingos and Komodo dragons. He wants to measure ancient trees, to see how they achieve their extraordinary lifespans.
“The goal is to do a tree of life scale exploration of somatic mutation rates. At the moment, we have no idea of the mutation rate of ancient trees, like the Patagonian Cypress, that apparently live for thousands of years.
“We want to build a map. Which species have achieved the lowest mutation rates in the animal kingdom? Such a map would guide us towards species that warrant further investigation.”
This branching work will help determine how crucial mutation rate is for lifespan. “Some species have already solved the problem of healthy ageing. We should study those species and figure out how they work. This could lead us to new approaches for healthier ageing in humans.
“We're not the ultimate species at everything. When it comes to longevity, there are other species who have far longer lifespans than our own. We have a lot to learn from long-lived animals.”
If you’re a multicellular organism, Cagan wants to sequence you.
Cagan's illustration of a whale
Cagan's illustration of a whale
Superstar species
In worse news, the story of sharks being immune to cancer is likely a myth.
“There are no multicellular organisms that we’ve studied where cancer doesn’t exist,” Cagan says. “Sharks might just have a lower rate of it.”
By studying cancer rates in animals, scientists have uncovered a biological mystery. The conundrum is called Peto’s Paradox.
Cancer arises from mutations. If mutations happen in certain regions of the genome – say, the part that suppresses tumours – those cells can become cancerous. The longer you live, the higher your risk of getting these mutations.
Here’s the paradox: animals like whales and elephants are much bigger than us, meaning they have more cells. If their cells were as vulnerable to cancer as our own, they wouldn’t be able to survive a year before being overtaken by cancerous mutations. Yet many of these species live longer than we do. How are they so resistant to cancer?
At the moment, scientists haven’t solved this. But like healthy ageing, evidence suggests that other animals – ‘superstar species’ – might have already solved cancer resistance.
“If you could make human cells as resistant to cancer as whale cells appear to be, it could virtually eliminate the threat of human cancer.”
One theory focuses on tumour suppressing genes. Scientists have found that elephants have around 40 copies of a tumour suppressing gene (TP53), whereas humans only have 2. This gene tells damaged cells when to die. If mutations break both our copies of TP53, the affected cell becomes immortal and cancerous. Elephants have more back-ups of TP53, so the theory goes, meaning it takes a lot longer for mutations to cause malfunction. Whether this mechanism is indeed behind elephants’ cancer resistance is still being figured out.
Regardless, whales don’t seem to have the same system of back-ups, leaving Peto’s Paradox intact. Cagan is undaunted.
“Large body size coupled with long lifespan has evolved independently many times. This suggests that various species have found different solutions to resisting cancer.”
Cagan's illustration of an elephant
Cagan's illustration of an elephant
Looking forward
Somatic genomics is growing rapidly, mapping life on this planet and beyond. Cagan will soon analyse the mutations that astronauts accrue in space. He hopes this research can help guide recommendations for how space missions can best avoid the damaging effects of cosmic radiation.
On a more local level, more people are working on somatic mutations across the University. Elizabeth Murchinson from Veterinary Medicine is focusing on transmissible cancers in dogs. On the germline front, a partnership in Mathematics is using quantum computers to capture population level diversity in DNA sequences.
By being humble enough to learn from the species around us, we can hope to change what it means to grow old. We are beginning to understand how evolution beats the clock to dodge mutations and preserve the thread of life.
“I would love to get more people involved in this field,” Cagan says. “This is fundamental research that could inspire new ways of thinking about cancer and healthier ageing. We have the whole tree of life to explore.”
The School of Biological Sciences Grand Challenge Topics promote research that is scientifically ambitious, naturally spans disciplines, and can be developed towards collaborative grant proposals and philanthropic engagement. Alex's research speaks to the 'Integrative Biology of Ageing' challenge.
Published on 29 July 2024
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