Black Town & Gown: The historical legacy of Black presence in the city of Cambridge

We sat down with Dr Kenny Monrose FRSA, a Fellow at Wolfson College and Researcher in the Department of Sociology to discuss their project exploring the historical legacy of Black presence in Cambridge.
What is the project and why have you decided to do it?
In 2022, I led the organisation of the successful Post-Windrush generation: Black British Voices of Resistance conference at the University of Cambridge. One of the many positive comments drawn from the occasion was that it was the first time the University had hosted an event that members of Cambridge’s black community could attend in order to engage with academics and scholars within the institution walls.
Shortly after I shared a lightbulb moment with Seetha, who like me is concerned with community engagement. We thought would be a good idea to compile a historical account of black presence, not just in the university, but more broadly in this amazing city - and to examine how this meshes with the established notion of - ‘Town and Gown’.
Can you give us a brief overview of the history of black people in Cambridge, without giving too much away?
The film has two distinct parts. The first looks at the Gown and the legacy of the black presence at the University of Cambridge. In this, we focus on black alumni as well as delving into the annals and collections within the African studies library, and highlight the prolonged struggle to safeguard black archival material. We spoke to black students to provide an insight on the current racialised and classed dynamics related to space and positionality within the university.
The second part of the film is concerned with the Town, which for me is where the original contribution to knowledge of the production lies, in that it captures intergenerational voices, experiences, and perspectives of the black people who live in Cambridge.
This is a film without actors - these are real people, and their voices are authentically presented from start to finish. It is tinged with sadness in places as it highlights the heightened level of invisibility in both the city and the university, which has led some who have spent their entire lives in the city of Cambridge to consider it as a zone of exclusion.
These zone(s) of exclusion are really important to the film. We wanted to think carefully about the allocation and division of space both within the university and between the university and town. I think the film reflects on how invisibilisation is often a product of these spatial configurations, and it cinematically and thematically attempts to destabilise this neat divide and break down some of the walls between the town and gown.
In doing so, we hope the film does more than simply document the divisions but, by foregrounding the work already happening within the community, also points to potential ways forward.

Can you tell us about the process behind the film – what research did you do, who did you speak to, did you use any archives, was the information you needed easy or hard to find?
I first visited Cambridge over a decade ago and then like today, was overwhelmed and left in awe by the city because of its history and breathtaking architecture. I was curious to discover more about the city than simply what met the eye. When I returned to Cambridge in 2018, I took the opportunity, like I do in all the cities I visit, to become something of a flaneur and observed the evidence of a thriving black community that exists beyond the university.
The manner in which the black community positions itself in a town dominated by this all-encompassing institution that knows very little about their existence, in my opinion not only makes a good story, but gives a voice to those who are unheard and often unseen.
Basic backyard research was carried out with community members whom I met on my travels, but things really shifted up to another level when I was introduced to the Nadia Saito Cambridge City Council’s Arts Development Office and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’s Senior Arts Development Officer, Akua Obeng-Frimpong, who share our vision of community building via the medium of art, and acted as incredible conduits into the community by introducing us to so many amazing and hospitable people.
Are there any future societal learnings we should take from your research?
It is an imperative that the cinematic data this film generates is shared broadly with both the City Council and the university, in order to promote measures related to inclusion that can be beneficial to both parties and curtail community estrangement for not just Cambridge's black community, but for all minoritized communities in the city regardless of ethnicity.
What do you hope people take away from the film?
Producing the film itself and conducting interviews across the Town and Gown divide has really emphasised the importance of collaborative knowledge-making and community-oriented work. As sociologist-filmmakers, we hope this film can also shed light on different ways of working together. Once released this will become a valuable academic resource for the students and will serve as a usable educational tool to acknowledge the diversity that exists in the city, which can spark deeper considerations and debate.
The premiere of Black Town & Gown: The historical legacy of Black presence in the city of Cambridge will take place on 28 March from 6.30pm and is hosted by Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH)

Events taking place at CRASSH
People being filmed and interviewed during a workshop.
People being filmed and interviewed during a workshop.
The Story Makers
The Story Makers will be a crash course in talking to people and collecting narratives. After a short talk about the role of stories in creating and sustaining society (and ourselves), we will dive right in to the methods and practices of ethnographic interviewing. We will discuss the shared knowledge production that occurs in interviews—the dynamics of ‘storytelling’ and ‘storylistening’—and, in this process, we will all become storymakers!
Emma Dante’s Fairy Tales, “E tutte vissero felici e contente”, La Nave di Teseo, 2020
Emma Dante’s Fairy Tales, “E tutte vissero felici e contente”, La Nave di Teseo, 2020
Fairy-Tale Mirages: A creative writing and storytelling workshop
As part of the CRASSH conference ‘Fairy-Tale Trouble and the Art of Fluidity: Gender, Genre, Media‘, which will feature an in-person keynote lecture by Professor Vanessa Joosen (University of Antwerp), Elena Sottilotta (University of Cambridge) and Alice Parrinello (University of Edinburgh) will lead the creative writing and storytelling workshop ‘Fairy-Tale Mirages’. In this workshop, participants will dive into fairy tales rooted in the Mediterranean sea, while reflecting on the power of creating new stories.
Drone in flight
Drone in flight
Dronotope: The politics of timelines and data visualisations
In this interactive exhibition, the Centre for Drones and Culture invites you to explore 3D 'volumetric' timelines of drone technology whose stories and histories change dynamically based on what data the user chooses to highlight.
The Center for Sustainable Landscapes in Pittsburgh, one of 'the greenest buildings on Earth'.
The Center for Sustainable Landscapes in Pittsburgh, one of 'the greenest buildings on Earth'.
A History of Discovery of European Sustainability Endeavours: From Collective Imbalances to Societal Mainstreaming
This presentation aims to analyse the historical evolution of the main conceptual premises in the European Community’s self-defining dimensions of development cooperation and environmental sustainability as part of the European integration process.
Collage of open mouths framed by quotation marks.
Collage of open mouths framed by quotation marks.
Speak Back: Crafting Effective Counterspeech
This workshop will equip participants with the tools and strategies to effectively counter harmful speech and promote a more positive online environment. Counterspeech is an effective communication strategy that can be used to challenge and refute dangerous speech.
Chalk stream in Cambridge.
Chalk stream in Cambridge.
Rivers of Light film screening
Watch the captivating documentary Rivers of Light in the company of its creator James Murray-White and Newmarket Chalk Stream Trust co-founder Kevin Hand. Rivers of Light follows a chalk stream flowing across the Suffolk town of Newmarket and the ongoing efforts to recognise and protect this unique watercourse. Immerse yourself in the visuals and insights from leading experts that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the natural wonders in our own backyard.
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