2012 IMT Des Moines Marathon

A moving history of life

07 Mar 2013

Evolution might explain how we have come to be the way we are, but locomotion plays a starring role in the story of life on Earth, as zoologist Dr Matt Wilkinson explains at the University of Cambridge’s Science Festival on March 16.

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Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 6217

Are we ready to meet ET?

05 Mar 2013

Once only science fiction, astronomers are now finding hundreds of planetary systems beyond our own. Given recent discoveries through space exploration, it is entirely feasible that we may soon discover the existence of extra-terrestrial life forms on other planets.

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Grim Reaper 4

Death is in decline

25 Feb 2013

Every generation has tried to be the one that outsmarts the Reaper. From the millennia-old Epic of Gilgamesh to the centuries-old story of the Spanish explorer, Ponce de Leon, who discovered Florida in his search for the fountain of youth, legends abound of how we might live forever.

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Women on a bench

Tick, tick, tick: the demographic time bomb

03 Nov 2012

By 2032 a quarter of the British population will be over the age of 65. On November 3, a panel of economists, businessmen and social scientists will gather in Cambridge to discuss the issues surrounding this rapid demographic change.

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Thinkin' about the code

Are we being sold online?

27 Oct 2012

A panel discussion for the Festival of Ideas examines whether social media giants are profiting from our willingness to share the most intimate details of our lives online, and whether we should be worried by this compromise to our privacy.

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