The Old Bailey

Angels and Demons

02 Jun 2011

No country's legal system is made with children in mind, but that has not stopped large numbers of children from becoming involved with it. Last year alone, an astonishing 50,000 children testified in UK courts for one reason or another. Yet that reason can make a huge difference. Whether they are witnesses or suspected offenders - whether, in fact, the system views them as would-be angels or demons - dramatically affects the manner in which they are treated.

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Space, time and a supper

31 May 2011

With the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, providing one of the star turns on the first day of this year's Hay Festival, God was appropriately never far away from the opening talks in the Cambridge lecture series, either.

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Hay Festival

Cambridge makes Hay

11 Apr 2011

The books that have changed our view of the Universe, eruptions that shook the world and Stalin's fiercest henchmen are just some of the themes that will be under discussion during the popular Cambridge Series at this year's Hay Literary Festival.

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What does Twitter have to do with the human brain?

11 Mar 2011

We like to think the human brain is special, something different from other brains and information processing systems, but a Cambridge professor is set to test that assumption – by conducting a live experiment using Twitter.

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Kinect for Xbox - the story behind the science

09 Mar 2011

Have you ever wondered about the story behind one of the most exciting computer gaming inventions of late? If so you’re in luck, because Jamie Shotton, one of the developers of Kinect for Xbox, will be telling the story behind it at Cambridge Science Festival later this month.

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