North West Cambridge Art Programme will be holding open days on Saturday 10 May & Saturday 31 May, 11am – 4pm At Gravel Hill Farm, North West Cambridge Development, Madingley Rise, Cambridge.

During these open days local residents will be able to explore the work in progress of a scale model of the North West Cambridge Development.

‘Tomorrow, Today’ is a spectacular walk-through scale model of part of the new North West Cambridge Development. Devised by artists Nina Pope and Karen Guthrie, this ‘futuristic model village’ encourages its makers and visitors to imagine the future communities of North West Cambridge Development. The model is entirely constructed by hand using cob (a mix of clay, sand and straw) and will be approximately 75metres in length. Cob is an ancient, sustainable, building material that recycles material from the site. Over a six-week period, teams of volunteers join the artists and a leading cob expert to learn how to cob and to help construct the vast art work.

Artist Nina Pope said, "We've had a great first week working on the cob model with a really keen group of volunteers. What was particularly interesting was to be working alongside the archaeology team on site - as they were digging down into the past we were beginning to try and visualise the future of the site."

Our Visitor Open Days invite members of the public to see our progress, meet the artists and try their hand at working with cob on the model.

The idea for ‘Tomorrow, Today’ emerged from the artists’ year-long residency with the Cambridge University Archaeology Department and re-uses the earth dug from the recent archaeological excavations. The archaeology has unveiled that the area had a rich history with vibrant settlements throughout the ages from the pre-historic to Roman periods, including burials, coins, pottery, and even early 20th century University research buildings.

Once completed in early June, the model will remain in place temporarily before being buried under the growing Development, for re-discovery by the archaeologists of the future.

The open days will take place on Saturday 10 May and Saturday 31 May from 11am-4pm. Visitors of all ages are welcome. Sensible footwear and outdoors clothing are advised. For more information visit

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