The Cambridge Council for Voluntary Service and the University of Cambridge Public Engagement team have launched a photographic competition.

The competition is open to all budding snappers to submit their images. This year, the theme is ‘community treasures’, which encourages staff, volunteers, supporters, beneficiaries and members of community groups to promote the activities and celebrate the work of charities and community groups in Cambridgeshire.

The application process couldn’t be simpler! Take a photo that encapsulates the valuable work that your favourite charity or community group in Cambridgeshire does and why it is a community treasure, and then submit the photo and an entry form to CCVS.

The shortlisted entries will be judged by a photographic judging panel, including University of Cambridge photographer Sir Cam. There will also be a public vote and prizes will be awarded to the group that is depicted.

You can work for, be a volunteer with, or be a member of the organisation you photograph, or you may simply think that the work of the community group is so special it deserves to win and want to submit a photo.
Two £150 donations will be made to the ‘community treasure’ group illustrated in each of the winning photos, based on the judges’ and public voting.

Technical information:

  • Photographs must be in a digital JPEG or JPG format.
  • Each entrant can only submit one image.
  • The community group that is illustrated must be from Cambridgeshire.
  • Consent forms from people in the photos should be sent with entries.

Images and entry forms should be sent as attachments to

The closing date for receiving images will be Friday 18 October 2013.

The shortlisted images will also be displayed at the Community Treasures conference on Tuesday 12 November 2013 and then at exhibitions open to the public around Cambridgeshire.

The entries may be used for future promotion by the Cambridge Council for Voluntary Service and University of Cambridge Public Engagement team.

This competition is now closed. 

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