Artist’s impression of the full Square Kilometre Array at night

Design work on ‘brain’ of world’s largest radio telescope completed

09 May 2019

An international group of scientists led by the University of Cambridge has finished designing the ‘brain’ of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the world’s largest radio telescope. When complete, the SKA will enable astronomers to monitor the sky in unprecedented detail and survey the entire sky much faster than any system currently in existence.

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Artist's impression of the SKA, which will be made up of thousands of dishes that operate as one gigantic telescope

Masters of the universe

19 June 2015

The ‘world’s largest IT project’ — a system with the power of one hundred million home computers — may help to unravel many of the mysteries of our universe: how it began, how it developed and whether humanity is alone in the cosmos.

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The Twingl mind

Big Data – getting to the heart of the Information Revolution

01 June 2015

Big data has captured the world’s attention, with talk of a new Industrial Revolution based on information, and of data being one of the 21st century’s most valuable commodities. Today, we commence a month-long focus on research that uses, produces and interrogates huge datasets.

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