
No evidence to support claims that telephone consultations reduce GP workload or hospital referrals

27 September 2017

Telephone consultations to determine whether a patient needs to see their GP face-to-face can deal with many problems, but a study led by researchers at the Cambridge Centre for Health Services Research (University of Cambridge and RAND Europe), found no evidence to support claims by companies offering to manage these services or by NHS England that the approach saves money or reduces the number of hospital referrals.

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Gwilym Thomas, MB, Medicine (2015)

Graduate, get a job … make a difference #7

19 September 2017

Cambridge graduates enter a wide range of careers but making a difference tops their career wish lists. In this series, inspiring graduates from the last three years describe Cambridge, their current work and their determination to give back.

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South Asian patients have worse experiences of GP interactions, study suggests

15 September 2016

Communication between doctors and South Asian patients is poor, according to national GP surveys, but a question has been raised about whether this reflects genuinely worse experiences or differences in responding to questionnaires. Now, a new study led by researchers at the University of Cambridge has shown that it is in fact the former – South Asian patients do experience poorer communication with their GP than the White British majority.

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