Set up for life

25 November 2020

We’re used to the idea that as adults we have some control over our destiny: what we eat and drink and how much we exercise can affect our health. But the risks of heart disease and diabetes can be programmed much earlier – even before we are born.

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Reset button (edited)

Reprogramming of DNA observed in human germ cells for first time

04 June 2015

A team of researchers led by the University of Cambridge has described for the first time in humans how the epigenome – the suite of molecules attached to our DNA that switch our genes on and off – is comprehensively erased in early primordial germ cells prior to the generation of egg and sperm.

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Embryoid at start of appearance of SOX17 positive cells (green cells), which depict birth of human germ cell lineage

Egg and sperm race: Scientists create precursors to human egg and sperm

24 December 2014

Scientists at the University of Cambridge working with the Weizmann Institute have created primordial germ cells – cells that will go on to become egg and sperm – using human embryonic stem cells. Although this had already been done using rodent stem cells, the study, published today in the journal Cell, is the first time this has been achieved efficiently using human stem cells.

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