Dr Andy Martin

Beauty and despair

11 June 2012

A high level inquiry reported last month that more than half of the British public has a negative body image. Cambridge academic Andy Martin reflects on the idea of beauty and our pursuit of the unattainable.

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Jean Paul Sartre on the beach

Locked in combat: two French thinkers slog it out

31 May 2012

“Hell is other people,” wrote Jean-Paul Sartre. His rival on the stage of occupied and post-war Paris was Albert Camus (“I am the world”). The two fell out but remained entangled. A book by Cambridge academic Andy Martin – The Boxer and the Goalkeeper – is an excursion into the worlds of the Frenchmen synonymous with existentialism and absurdism.

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Andy in New York

New York, unplugged: a day without words

02 November 2011

We are addicted to language. By way of proof, Andy Martin – lecturer in the Department of French and author of books on Napoleon, Bardot and surfing – takes a vow of silence. Spending a day in New York without words, he discovers a liking for one of the most over-used expressions of the era.

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