
The University has pledged £100k to provide enhanced support to students impacted by events in regions experiencing significant conflict or humanitarian crisis.

The University understands that students may be significantly impacted such that they may struggle financially to complete their course or may be unable to return home as planned towards or immediately after the end of their studies. An enhanced grant will be available to help meet an unexpected shortfall in living costs, as well as exceptional caring responsibilities associated with the conflict or crisis.

 It is hoped that this pledge will be augmented by philanthropic donations.


The grant will support living costs at the prevailing student cost of living rate, up to a normal maximum of £5,000. Applications will be assessed to ensure that funding is directed to students who are most in need.  This is in addition to any awards made by Colleges, and the University’s standard financial assistance award, which has a maximum value of £2,500 in 2023/4.


Current students from zones of conflict and Humanitarian crises as defined by the UNICEF Level 2 and Level 3 Emergencies List.

Current students with Refugee, Asylum Seeker, or Humanitarian Protection status. Applicants who are able to evidence they have a valid Asylum Registration Card or Biometric Residence Permit would also be eligible for support.

with the addition of the following categories:

  • UG or PGT students who have valid permission to remain in the UK, if the situation in their home country prevents them from travelling home and they are forced to remain in Cambridge.
  • PGR students who have valid permission to remain in the UK, if the situation in their home country prevents them from travelling home as planned and they are forced to remain in Cambridge.

Support will be available for child dependents who reside with the student and for other exceptional caring responsibilities where such support is required to enable the student to complete their studies.

There is no restriction on the number of times a student can apply for support. Although, if there are limits on the available resources, funds will be targeted at those most in need, and those who have not previously received support.