We, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff network of the University of Cambridge, UK, write to send our condolences to the family of George Floyd on his tragic death. We are both shocked and angered at how he was killed, and that these brutal killings continue to occur. We also write to publicly acknowledge the pain and anger of the Black community, in the USA and internationally. The struggle for a just and fair society must continue. These values are fundamental rights that must be afforded to the BAME community just as they are to others. We are painfully aware of how our people are disproportionally affected by injustice, violence and death - something that has come out clearly with the COVID-19 pandemic. BLACK LIVES MATTER! We, the BAME staff network will continue to campaign and support initiatives to address racial injustice within our University and help use its influence to also achieve this on wider national and global level. The ongoing situation has only made our resolve stronger!