The University of Cambridge has announced the appointment of four additional trustees to the body overseeing the operation of the Cambridge University Endowment Fund (CUEF).
The University of Cambridge has announced the appointment of four additional trustees to the body overseeing the operation of the Cambridge University Endowment Fund (CUEF).
The Cambridge University Endowment Trustee Body (CUETB) was constituted in June 2022 to ensure that the governance and transparency of operations of the CUEF were further strengthened and enhanced.
As Trustee, the CUETB has responsibility for setting and, as appropriate, updating the distribution objective, investment objective and high-level investment principles of the CUEF, as well as for overseeing the performance of University of Cambridge Investment Management, the team which runs the endowment fund.
Nomination of the four additional trustees was approved by a joint committee representing the Fund Unit holders – the University, 13 Colleges and four trusts – which was chaired by Mr Mark Lewisohn, Chair of the CUETB.
Those nominated were:
- Mr Ian Simm, founder and CEO of Impax Asset Management, an investment fund specialising in sustainable development.
- Ms Milly Bodfish, a member of the University Council and Secretary to the School of Biological Sciences.
- Mr Chris Ewbank, Senior Bursar at St John’s College.
- Ms Elaina Elzinga, Principal of Wellcome Trust’s Investments Division.
The University Council has now approved the appointment of Mr Simm and Ms Bodfish to the CUETB. Mr Ewbank and Ms Elzinga have been appointed to the CUETB by the non-University investors (respectively by the Colleges and Trusts).
The new trustees will each serve a renewable four year term.
A sixth independent trustee will be co-opted by the five existing trustees in due course.
At the first meeting of the CUETB on 3 May 2023, Mr Sam Gyimah was confirmed as the sixth trustee. Mr Gyimah, a former Universities and Science Minister, is a Board Director of Goldman Sachs International.
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