Maersk Moller

Churchill College reported the death on 16 April 2012 of Mr Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller, the Danish shipowner, Honorary Fellow since 1991 and Benefactor to the College, at the age of 98.

His watch words of ‘constant care’ have been with me throughout my career at The Møller Centre and are the basis upon which the success of the Centre has grown.

Gillian Secrett

The Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller Centre for Continuing Education was built with a gift of approximately £10 million to Churchill College.

The money was donated by the A.P. Møller & Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller Foundation, a Danish institution set up in 1953 by shipping magnate A. P. Møller. The Foundation makes contributions to good causes, especially those involving national heritage, shipping, industry and science.

Mr Møller felt that Denmark's safety during the Second World War and prosperity afterwards had depended on Churchill's personal involvement.

When war broke out, Maersk ships were turned over to the British authorities to assist in the War effort, and Churchill was swift to ensure the company was paid compensation at the end of the war.

Over the years the Foundation has funded many projects in the name of Churchill.

Mr Møller proposed the concept of a 'Centre for Excellence' that would include meeting rooms and bedrooms, and bring together commerce and education.

He believed that with access to the full educational and research resources of Cambridge University, the Centre would be able to offer the highest standard of continuing education to international businesses wishing to develop their managerial, executive, research and development staff.

Mr. Møller was one of the most respected industrialists in Denmark, and was admired by many, including Gillian Secrett, CEO of The Møller Centre, who said: “I was greatly inspired by Mr Møller’s commitment and values, which he shared with me when I first joined the Centre in 1998.

“His watch words of ‘constant care’ have been with me throughout my career at The Møller Centre and are the basis upon which the success of the Centre has grown.

“Stuart Websdale [General Manager] and the Møller team share my feelings about the inspirational influence he has had on our working lives, and we all feel privileged to have known Mr Møller.”

The Møller Centre was formally opened by Her Majesty Queen Ingrid of Denmark on Friday, 2nd October, 1992.


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