Christoph H. Loch, the GlaxoSmithKline Chaired Professor of Corporate Innovation and Professor of Technology and Operations Management at INSEAD, where he is also director of the INSEAD Israel Research Centre, has been announced today as the new Director of Cambridge Judge Business School at the University of Cambridge.

Professor Loch will take up the appointment on 1 September 2011. Until then Professor Geoff Meeks will continue as Acting Director of the School.

Professor Loch’s research revolves around the management of R&D and the product innovation process, particularly technology strategy, strategy cascading, project selection, concurrent engineering, project management under high uncertainty, collaborative problem solving, and performance measurement.

He also examines the motivation of professional personnel in organisations, in particular, the emotional aspects of motivation and performance.

Professor Loch served as INSEAD’s Dean of the PhD program from 2006 to 2009, and was department editor at Management Science from 2004 to 2009.

He is now Associate Editor of Management Science, and he serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Engineering and Technology Management (JETM) and Research Technology Management.

He has published articles in leading academic journals and managerial journals and management books; he has co-authored four books on managing highly novel projects, on management quality in manufacturing, on management quality and competitiveness, and a handbook on the management of product development.

He teaches MBA courses and executive seminars at INSEAD, consults European corporations on technology management, and serves on the supervisory board of an educational software start-up company.

Professor Loch holds a Ph.D. in business from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University, an MBA from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, and a Diplom-Wirtschaftsingenieur degree from the Darmstadt Institute of Technology in Germany.

Prior to joining INSEAD, he worked as a consultant for McKinsey & Company in their San Francisco and Munich offices.

Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, said: "I am delighted at the appointment of someone of Professor Loch's calibre and experience. He steps into the role of Director at a challenging and exciting time in the world of business. Cambridge Judge Business School has gone from strength to strength over the past few years. Its position at the heart of this University, renowned for its excellence, will enable it to develop new and innovative business solutions in response to today's complex issues."

Professor Loch said: "The University of Cambridge is timeless and a treasury of world-class knowledge across a range of disciplines, from the sciences to engineering to the arts and humanities. I am enthusiastic about becoming the Director of Cambridge Judge Business School at this particular moment in its progression. The School conducts rigorous, multi-disciplinary research on a global scale and applies it in a pragmatic way to real business problems. This is a very powerful proposition and it provides an extraordinary and unparalleled exchange and learning environment for business."

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