We are accepting nominations of candidates for election as the Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. The following sections provide further details for candidates and their supporters on how to make and submit a full nomination.
Role profile of the Chancellor
Documents for submission
Candidates who wish to stand for election (or their delegates) should submit by 12 noon UK time (UTC+1) on 2 May 2025:
- A completed candidate form including confirmation (signed and dated) from the candidate that they consent to be nominated and
- A minimum of 50 supporter forms completed and signed by members of the Senate in support of the candidate.
Candidates also have to submit a copy of their photo ID for identity verification.
Candidates also have the option to submit a statement in support of their candidacy (max 500 words, in plain text, without links). If submitted, a candidate’s statement will be available on the University’s election webpage and in the Reporter.
How to submit a nomination
Nominations must either be submitted via the Civica secure online portal or delivered to The Registrary, University of Cambridge, The Old Schools, Trinity Lane, Cambridge CB2 1TN. Full nominations must be received by the deadline, which is 12 noon UK time (UTC+1) on 2 May 2025. The University will only accept full nominations.
Hard-copy submissions | Online submissions |
Alongside their nomination candidates should submit a copy of their photo ID for identity verification purposes.
How members of the Senate can support the nomination of a candidate
Members of the Senate can nominate as many candidates as they wish. The University will not accept supporter forms from supporters directly and will not forward supporter forms to candidates. Only candidates (or their delegates) can submit supporter forms as part of their nomination. Supporters need to download, complete, sign and send a supporter form to each candidate they wish to nominate. This means the supporter must contact the candidate directly. The University cannot facilitate this connection.
How and when nominations are validated
It is the responsibility of each candidate (or their delegate) to ensure that their nomination meets all the requirements (including collating completed and signed supporter forms).
The University will not complete validity checks on nominations until after the deadline for nominations has passed. If a nomination is found to be invalid, there will be no opportunity for resubmission.
Candidates (or their delegates) are encouraged to take such steps as they deem necessary to ensure their nomination is valid. For example, it might be prudent to secure more than 50 supporters for a nomination in case the verification process reveals that one or more of the supporters mistakenly believes that they are members of the Senate.
Criteria for Senate membership
What signatures are accepted on candidate and supporter forms
Electronic and physical (‘wet-ink’) signatures are accepted.