Super Saturday Open Cambridge trail

A map with polaroid's over the top showing some of the stops on the trail. A map with polaroid's over the top showing some of the stops on the trail.

A map with polaroid's over the top showing some of the stops on the trail.

A map with polaroid's over the top showing some of the stops on the trail.

Are you free on Saturday 7 September? If so, why not spend the day walking around our beautiful city and popping along to some Open Cambridge events.

We’ve put together a trail taking you from the Wren Library to Cambridge Access Surgery on Newmarket Road. The walk itself takes around 30 minutes (not including time taken at each location) and is just over a mile on flat ground.

Keep scrolling to see where our Super Saturday trail will take you!


A shot of the interior of the Wren Library. A black and white chequered floor can be seen with wooden bookcases standing along side.

A shot of the interior of the Wren Library.

A shot of the interior of the Wren Library.

Start your journey at the Wren Library at Trinity College and take in the beauty of one of Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpieces. The Wren Library is one of the world's great library buildings and houses an internationally significant collection of medieval manuscripts and early printed books.  

Alongside a general exhibition of treasures, this year this is special exhibition celebrating the bicentenary of Lord Byron's death which explores his network of friends, the connections across the publishing landscape of his works, and the routes of his travel. There will also be a specially curated exhibition of books about plants and gardening in the early modern world. 

Please note: The Wren Library is on the first floor and only accessible by stairs; unfortunately there is no lift available.

Open: 10am-4pm


The Candia Skull sits upon its ornate wooden box.

The Candia Skull sits upon its ornate wooden box.

The Candia Skull sits upon its ornate wooden box.

En route to your next stop, walk down Garrett Hostel Lane, out on to Trinity Lane then out onto Trinity Street. From there head down to the end of Green Street and on to Sidney Street, there you’ll find Sidney Sussex College and the Richard Powell Library.

Pop in to the library to see an exhibition on the Candia Skull, found in Crete and given to the College by a Rotherhithe sea captain in 1627, has been described as the earliest fossilised human skull to reach an English collection. Discover more about what recent scientific research can tell us about the person whose skull it was. 

Open: 10am-4pm


Quakers Friend Meeting House sign on Jesus Lane.

Quakers Friend Meeting House sign on Jesus Lane.

Quakers Friend Meeting House sign on Jesus Lane.

Next turn right out of Sidney Sussex along Sidney Street and turn right down Jesus Lane. At the junction with Park Street, you’ll find the Quakers Friends Meeting House. Cambridge Quakers are holding an open day where you’ll get the chance to see inside the meeting house and their secluded garden.

There will be refreshments, activities for children and a space to relax throughout the day, as well as a number of talks and workshops across the day, which are listed separately in the Open Cambridge programme. 

Open: 10:30am-4pm


A typical Watts & Co. chasuble.

A typical Watts & Co. chasuble.

A typical Watts & Co. chasuble.

Slightly further down Jesus Lane you’ll find one of Cambridge’s hidden treasures. All Saint’s Church, also known as the Painted Church, is inviting everyone in to marvel at the glorious hand-painted walls and learn more about the history of the church. Volunteers will be able to answer questions and give informal tours.

Open: 10am-4pm


The front entrance to Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

The front entrance to Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

The front entrance to Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

Carry on down Jesus Lane, cross over to Maids Causeway and on to Newmarket Road where you’ll find the Cambridge Buddhist Centre. They’ve got a fun day planned with tours of the Grade II listed Festival Theatre (one of only two of its kind in the UK) as well as the opportunity to experience what the Buddhist Centre has to offer, including meditation and wellbeing taster sessions. 

Open: 10am-4pm


A shot of the front of Abbey House. A ornate sign displays the name Abbey House.

A shot of the front of Abbey House.

A shot of the front of Abbey House.

Just near by you’ll find Abbey House. This 17th-century, Grade II listed building can be found on the corner of Beche Road and Abbey Road. It is home to a Buddhist residential community. Guided tours take you on a journey through the grounds and house, spiced with stories of ghosts and former owners. Afterwards, relax with a cup of tea and cake in the large walled garden or visit the small exhibition that includes historic maps of the area. 

Open: 12pm-4pm


Flyer of Cambridge Access Surgery event.

Flyer of Cambridge Access Surgery event.

Flyer of Cambridge Access Surgery event.

The last stop on our Super Saturday Open Cambridge trail is the Cambridge Access Surgery, an NHS GP Surgery for people experiencing homelessness, on Newmarket Road. Taking part in Open Cambridge for the first time, everyone is invited to explore the open garden and art gallery.  

During the event, you will have the chance to wander through the co-created garden, carefully tended by program participants. The garden exemplifies the festival's theme of rooted connections and networks, illustrating how nature can ground us, nurture our growth, and interlink our lives in meaningful ways. 

The art gallery will showcase a diverse array of works created by local artists and members of the CAS community, with a focus on nature and wellbeing. Each piece reflects the therapeutic and inspiring aspects of the natural world, emphasizing the importance of rootedness and interconnectedness for personal and communal health.

Open: 12pm-4pm

We’ve pulled together a map with all seven stops ⬇️

Let us know if you follow our Super Saturday Open Cambridge trail by sharing pictures on social media and tagging us (@OpenCambridgeUK on X, @camunifestivals on Instagram and Cambridge Festival on Facebook and LinkedIn) and use #OpenCambridge so we can see your posts and reshare. 

Your feedback is important, so we ask for 5 minutes of your time to complete our feedback survey and there’s the chance to win a £30 Love2Shop voucher too! 

Pink Open Cambridge logo

Published: Tuesday 3 September

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