The 2010 Xchanging Boat Race, won by Cambridge by one and a third lengths, was one of the most followed Races in the history of the event, as well as one of the most exciting.

Despite an unsettled forecast for Race day, the wind and rain stayed away and benign weather conditions attracted one of the biggest live crowds in recent years on the Thames, with an estimated 250,000 spectators along the
4 ¼ mile course.

The Race attracted 5.4 million TV viewers in the UK on the event’s return to the BBC and claimed a 35.5% audience share between 16:30 and 16:45 when Oxford and Cambridge went head-to-head on the Tideway. Viewers in more than 200 countries around the world also saw live coverage or news highlights.

A record number of visitors also logged on to the official website on Race Day. Traffic levels grew to 101,703 unique visitors and 539,007 page views on Saturday 3 April, while the site generated more than one million hits in the build-up to the Race.

David Searle, the Executive Director of The Boat Race Company Ltd, organisers of the Race, was delighted with the numbers. “This was one of the most thrilling Boat Races in recent memory and it is terrific news that so many people followed the event live, on television and radio or through the internet,” he said.

Cambridge have now won 80 races to Oxford's 75. 

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