A film including an interview with artist David Hockney in Cambridge has just been released online. The footage was shot at the University's recent Honorary Degree ceremony.

The four-minute film features coverage from inside the Senate House and interviews with seven of the honorands. These include Professor Sir Nicholas Stern, Hans Blix and Hockney. It is the latest production by Cambridge Media, the University's new media unit.

Cambridge Media works across the University and colleges to provide a full range new media production services.

Other films recently produced for online viewing include the Cambridge Science Festival, and coverage of the ceremony to celebrate Prince Philip's 30 years as Chancellor of the University.

Cambridge Media is headed by Lucy Capewell, an award-winning former BBC documentary producer.

To watch films and audio made to date click on the News and Audio links on the left and the right sides of this page.

For more information about Cambridge Media e-mail: lucy.capewell@admin.cam.ac.uk

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