Members of the Humanitarian Centre took part in a media workshop last week to learn more about promoting their work in international development.

The Humanitarian Centre, which was officially launched in February, is an umbrella organisation for 25 small initiatives with their roots both in the University and the local community. The Centre is based at Fenner's Sports Centre on Gresham Road, and funded by the Sir Halley Stewart Trust.

Four local people working with the media gave two hours of their time on a voluntary basis. They were: Alice Ryan, feature writer for the Cambridge Evening News; Sophie White, freelance PR consultant; Martin Thompson, Cambridge-based freelance journalist; and Graham Hughes, Senior Broadcast Editor for BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.

The speakers gave the 13 members of the development organisations present a series of practical tips on aspects such as writing a clear press release, contacting the press by phone and email, what makes a strong local story, the importance of the “people element” in placing an item in the press, and the necessity of finding a “hook” or “peg” (topical angle) for an article.

The workshop, which was organised in collaboration with the Office of Community Affairs, was particularly helpful for the volunteer media team working to raise the profile of the Humanitarian Centre. The team is made up of three Cambridge students (two undergraduates and a graduate) who are supported by Ian Steed, manager of the Humanitarian Centre, and the University's Office of Community Affairs.

Ian Steed said: “It is fantastic that local professionals were willing to give their skills and time to support the Humanitarian Centre. There is so much interesting and important development work going on in Cambridge and this support will help us make the public more aware of it.”

The Humanitarian Centre is running a drop-in session aimed at children aged eight upwards as part of Cambridge Science Festival.

Science in Emergencies and Development will look at how science and technology can help people in aid situations. It will take place on Saturday March 17 from 10 am to 2pm at the Humanitarian Centre, Gresham Road. Entrance is free.

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