Dr Christopher Smith from the Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, has been awarded the prestigious Science Communication award by the Biosciences Federation (BSF).

Dr Smith who works as a Clinical Virologist at Addenbrooke's Hospital Cambridge was recognised for his extensive work communicating microbiology and other scientific research to the public.

Chris is well known for his incredibly popular Naked Scientist BBC Radio series and website, in which he makes academic science and research accessible and enjoyable for a wide audience. Additionally, Chris has recently been working with Nature magazine to podcast breaking science in an understandable way. He also gives talks and scientific demonstrations and acts as an expert on viruses for television and radio interviews.

Chair of the Award panel, Professor Ole Petersen, said, “ The panel unanimously agreed that Chris Smith’s work stood out from the rest, for the breadth and importance of the scientific issues discussed, the feedback from the press and the innovative quality.”

Dr Jim Loftus, Discovery Recruitment Manager at Pfizer, the Award sponsor, said, “Both Chris Smith and Dave Goulson’s (runner up) contributions to science communication provide excellent examples of how scientific issues can be made interesting, interactive and, above all, informative for the public. We are pleased to sponsor this Award.”

Presentation of the award, worth £1000, will be made at a meeting for BSF Member Organisations on the 16th November at the Royal Society of Medicine, London.

The Biosciences Federation actively works to influence policy and strategy in biology-based research and is also concerned about the translation of research into benefits for society.

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