A forum for women staff to voice their opinions about working for the University will take place next month.

The University of Cambridge Women’s Forum was set up in 2004 to contribute to the University’s gender equality plan and to identify proposals to put into action.

Initial recommendations from the Forum covered four main areas:

  • Improved leadership and management skills and accountability
  • Enhanced career support
  • Better communications and representation
  • Promotion of life-work balance

The 2006 Women’s Forum meeting will be held on February 7 at St John's College.

It is an opportunity to hear updates on the Women’s Forum Report and to listen to talks from the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Alison Richard; the Registrary, Dr Timothy Mead; and two guest speakers: Lord Wilson (Master of Emmanuel), speaking on external pressures for change; and Baroness Perry (Pro-Chancellor of Surrey University and formerly President of Lucy Cavendish College), speaking on women and leadership.

A theme for the day will be change: initiating, implementing, receiving and dealing with change. There will be the opportunity to provide further feedback to the University and to network over coffee and lunch.

University staff may attend either for the whole morning, plus lunch and the second guest speaker (Baroness Perry) or come along at 12.30pm for the final plenary session of the morning, followed by lunch and Baroness Perry’s talk.

Places are limited and will be filled on a first- come, first-served basis. If you wish to attend please contact Carol Smith by email (cs468@admin.cam.ac.uk) or phone 32286, no later than 30 January.

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