Talented composers as young as 11 years old will have their music performed at a concert this Sunday, 11 March, at West Road Concert Hall.

Organised by the charitable trust Cambridge Youth Music (CYM), the concert is part of an annual competition to encourage young composers aged 20 and under who study or live in the region. CYM was founded by University members and Cambridge residents to provide musical opportunities for local young people.

The overall winner of the competition was 19 year-old Edward Southall, who studies music at Queens' College. His piece False Lights impressed the judges for its skilled instrumental writing and textural and melodic character.

“False Lights is inspired by tales of the deliberate wrecking of ships that sailed near to the east coast of England,” explained Edward. “Ships were lured ashore by coast dwellers who faked the signals from lighthouses. They were often destroyed by underlying rocks and the cargo was looted.”

The winning composition in the 13-16 age group, Winter, was composed by 16-year-old Jake Howarth from Kings School Ely who was last year's overall winner.

11-year-old Karen Christianson won the under-12 group for her piece Echoes, setting an extract from the diary of Anne Frank to music. This moving piece melds choral singing and piano with Anne Frank's words for solo voice.

At the concert Echoes will be performed by one of Cambridge's most accomplished choirs, the Fairhaven Singers.

The concert will also feature a performance of Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto by guest soloist Charles Siem, winner of the Cambridge University Musical Society Concerto Competition 2006, as well as various pieces by the Sawston Chamber Choir.

“This is the second year we have held the competition and we were again amazed at the standard of entries,” said Clare Gilmour of CYM. “Compositions were written for a range of combinations including choirs, orchestra, wind and jazz ensembles - and we had several from children as young as 9 years old!”

The concert at West Road Concert Hall starts at 7.30 pm. Tickets cost £10 (£6 concessions, free for accompanied under-14s). They can be obtained online via the Cambridge Youth Music link at the above right, or by calling the Cambridge Corn Exchange Box Office on 01223 357851.

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