The Right Reverend Stephen Conway of Selwyn College, Lord Bishop of Ely since 2011, is to preach at the University's Annual Commemoration of Benefactors in Great St Mary's, the University Church, at 11.15am on Sunday 4 November.
The Right Reverend Stephen Conway of Selwyn College, Lord Bishop of Ely since 2011, is to preach at the University's Annual Commemoration of Benefactors in Great St Mary's, the University Church, at 11.15am on Sunday 4 November.
The Lady Margaret's Preachership was founded in 1504 by Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of King Henry VII. Since the Nineteenth Century, when the terms of the foundation were revised, the appointment has been made annually. It is now the duty of the Preacher, who must be a member of the University, to preach at Commemoration.
After reading Modern History at Oxford and a brief period as a schoolmaster, Stephen Conway came to Cambridge and to Westcott House as an ordinand. During this time he also read Theology as an Affiliated Student and became a member of Selwyn College.
Having graduated in Cambridge and been ordained, he then served in the Diocese of Durham where, in addition to parish ministry, he also held various diocesan posts and was Archdeacon of Durham and Canon Treasurer of the Cathedral from 2002 until 2006, when he moved to the Diocese of Salisbury as Suffragan Bishop of Ramsbury.
As a bishop he takes a particular interest in politics and community development and in fostering links with churches overseas, and has a special concern for those experiencing mental illness or with learning disabilities.
The Commemoration will be read by the Master of Magdalene College, Mr Duncan Robinson, as deputy for the Vice-Chancellor, and the Choir of Selwyn College will sing at the service.
All are welcome and there will be a wine-reception in Michaelhouse afterwards for those present.
Members of the University attending the service should wear their gowns and graduates are welcome to wear hoods if they wish. Doctors wear scarlet and the dress of non-Cambridge degrees may be worn.
Photograph: Copyright The Diocese of Ely
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