Is your lip gloss worth what you spend on it, which chemical reaction takes exactly sixty seconds and what makes snails’ shells change colour? The answers to these questions and many others will be revealed in the first ever Schools Zone, an exciting new addition to the Cambridge Science Festival taking place this Saturday, 20th March.

The event is part of the second ‘Science on Saturday’ of the Festival and involves students from schools and sixth forms presenting the projects they have worked on in curriculum time and in science clubs.

Students will be covering Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Ecology, Technology, Mathematics, Medicine and more as they grapple with the science behind the properties of PVA glue, the likelihood of extraterrestrial life, the future of gene therapy, and a stargazing gadget which works anywhere on the planet, to highlight just a few examples from what will be on show.

With interactive displays and experiments taking place throughout the event, there will be something for visitors of all ages to enjoy. Visitors are invited to drop into the Schools Zone between 10am and 4pm at the University Centre, Cambridge.

The Cambridge Science Festival is the UK’s largest free science festival and has this year been running since 8th March. There are different events running every day until this Sunday, 21st March.

For further information about the Festival and remaining events please use the link top right of the page.

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