The new initiative from the Department of Sociology enables LGBTQ+ alumni to return to Cambridge to pursue research projects.
The new initiative from the Department of Sociology enables LGBTQ+ alumni to return to Cambridge to pursue research projects.
"This new Mappa Mundi project will be story-led, data driven and allow women from all countries to present their stories."
Sandi Toksvig
Sandi Toksvig, the award-winning author, broadcaster, entertainer and founder of the Women’s Equality Party, has been awarded the inaugural Qantabrigian Fellowship for 2023-24, by the LGBTQ+ research programme in Cambridge University’s Department of Sociology.
The Q+ Fellowship enables distinguished Cambridge LGBTQ+ alumni to spend time at the University to conduct a research project or incubate a new idea. The goal of the Fellowship is to build stronger links to the distinguished worldwide community of LGBTQ+ Cambridge alumni and to widen participation in the research and teaching activities of the University.
As part of her Fellowship, Sandi will be pausing her theatre and broadcasting work for the Michaelmas term to develop a new Mappa Mundi project, with the aim of creating a digital resource documenting women’s position, achievements and struggles across the globe.
Sandi has also been elected to a Bye-Fellowship at Christ’s College, Cambridge for the 2023-2024 academic year and will convene a series of events, workshops and meetings to develop her initiative in partnership with Cambridge academic staff, students and support services.
Sandi Toksvig says: “I’m delighted to be returning to my old stomping ground of Cambridge to lead such an innovative project. This new Mappa Mundi project will be a three-dimensional, interactive view of the globe from a female perspective, with the goal of changing the world by learning to see it differently. It will be story-led, data driven and allow women from all countries to present their stories, their hardships, and their triumphs.”
Q+ founding Director Professor Sarah Franklin says: “The Q+ Fellowship is dedicated to recognising the many extraordinary achievements of Cambridge’s LGBTQ+ alumni over many centuries and across the globe. It also aims to show that building partnerships through research engaging ever more inclusive audiences is an important way we can fulfil the University’s core mission. I cannot think of a more inspiring individual to launch both these exciting new initiatives than the brilliant Sandi Toksvig.”
Simon, Lord McDonald of Salford, Master of Christ’s College says: “Sandi Toksvig’s Q+ Fellowship comes at a vital time for both the College and the University communities as we continue to redefine learning, education and knowledge in the digital age. Thinking creatively about how we build publicly-engaged and inclusive college communities is essential to the delivery of world-leading teaching and research, as well as excellence in education and scholarship.”
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