Health and medicine


Scientists supercharge shellfish to tackle vitamin deficiency in humans

20 Jul 2020

Cambridge scientists have developed a new way to fortify shellfish to tackle human nutrient deficiencies which cause severe health problems across...

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Woman touching the arm of an elderly man holding a juggling ball

Apathy not depression helps to predict dementia

14 Jul 2020

Apathy offers an important early warning sign of dementia in individuals with cerebrovascular disease, but depression does not, research led by the...

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COVID-19 and the interspecies frontier

08 Jul 2020

Professor of World History, Sujit Sivasundaram, discusses how our long history with pangolins reveals the preconditions of both the pandemic and...

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An advanced prototype of the PoliValve

New artificial heart valve could transform open-heart surgery

29 Jun 2020

A new type of artificial heart valve, made of long-lived polymers, could mean that millions of patients with diseased heart valves will no longer...

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Sheffield, UK

UK modelling study finds case isolation and contact tracing vital to COVID-19 epidemic control

16 Jun 2020

In the absence of a vaccine or highly effective treatments for COVID-19, combining isolation and intensive contact tracing with physical distancing...

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Striking differences revealed in COVID-19 mortality between NHS trusts

12 Jun 2020

A University of Cambridge team led by Professor Mihaela van der Schaar and intensive care consultant Dr Ari Ercole of the Cambridge Centre for AI in...

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Be kind, wear a mask sticker

Widespread facemask use could shrink the ‘R’ number and prevent a second COVID-19 wave – study

10 Jun 2020

Even basic homemade masks can significantly reduce transmission if enough people wear them when in public, according to latest modelling. Researchers...

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3D model of a knee with osteoarthritis

Improved MRI scans could aid in development of arthritis treatments

09 Jun 2020

An algorithm that analyses MRI images and automatically detects small changes in knee joints over time could be used in the development of new...

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Closeup of computer keyboard

Codecheck confirms reproducibility of COVID-19 model results

09 Jun 2020

Cambridge researcher confirms reproducibility of high-profile Imperial College coronavirus computational model.

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Harnessing AI in the fight against COVID-19

04 Jun 2020

AI assisted COVID-19 diagnostic and prognostic tool could improve resource allocation and patient outcomes.

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Mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

Antibody designed to recognise pathogens of Alzheimer’s disease

25 May 2020

Researchers have found a way to design an antibody that can identify the toxic particles that destroy healthy brain cells – a potential advance in...

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COVID-19: The long view

22 May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic should only present a short-term interruption to 250 years of improving life expectancy, argues historian Leigh Shaw-Taylor.

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