The Chairman of the Disability Rights Commission, Bert Massie CBE, will tonight (9 May) deliver the University of Cambridge Disability Resource Centre's Fourth Annual Disability Lecture.

In addition to his role at the Disability Rights Commission, Mr Massie is a trustee of several voluntary organisations, including Tripscope, the Institute of Employment Studies and the Motability and Habinteg Housing Association.

Over the last 30 years, he has worked for a number of disability organisations and has also served on government advisory committees, including the Disabled Persons' Transport Advisory Committee and the National Advisory Committee on the Employment of Disabled People. He was deputy chair of the National Disability Council and a member of the Disability Rights Task Force and has authored or co-authored a number of books and booklets dealing with disability issues.

The Annual Disability Lectures are organised by the University's Disability Resource Centre, which provides guidance and support to students and staff with disabilities, as well as advising the University and Colleges on disability issues.

The Fourth Annual Disability Lecture will take place at 6pm tonight in the Palmerston Room of the Fisher Building at St John's College, Cambridge. Refreshments will be served from 5pm. The lecture is open to all.

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