The University is about to begin a major audit of its equal opportunities policies and practices.
The University is about to begin a major audit of its equal opportunities policies and practices.
The University is about to begin a major audit of its equal opportunities policies and practices.
Called Creating a New Equality Agenda, the audit aims to provide a comprehensive picture of gender, ethnicity and disability in the University.
In the week beginning 26 June 2000, every member of staff on the university payroll will receive a questionnaire. The results of this questionnaire will play a major role in informing our equality policies in the future.
The University has commissioned Schneider-Ross to conduct this audit. Schneider-Ross are specialist consultants on equality issues, and have done work for the Civil Service and BP Amoco, among many others.
Their work will be guided by a steering group made up of people representative of the wide spectrum of University employees. The members of this group are:
Analysis of the results of the questionnaire will be completed in time for the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Alec Broers, to announce some of the main findings in his 2 October speech later this year. The full outcome of the audit will be reported to the Council and the General Board, and will be published in the Reporter.
The University formally adopted an equal opportunities policy in 1987. In 1993 the University joined Opportunity NOW (then called Opportunity 2000), a national campaign to increase the quality and quantity of women's participation in the workforce at all levels. The most recent report of progress towards goals we have set as part of our Opportunity NOW membership can be found in the Reporter.
In 1997, the University of Cambridge also approved a disability and employment policy. The University has a Disability Adviser and a team of support workers, whose role is to offer advice, information and support.
Further information:
For more information on women in the University, please see the relevant fact sheets.
For further information about the University's employment policies, please see our staff guides for assistant staff and for academic, academic-related and research staff.
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