
Dasgupta Review: Nature’s value must be included in economics to preserve biodiversity

02 Feb 2021

Nature is a “blind spot” in economics that can no longer be ignored by the accounting systems that dictate national finances, according to a major...

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New starfish-like fossil reveals evolution in action

20 Jan 2021

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have discovered a fossil of the earliest starfish-like animal, which helps us understand the origins of...

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Wind turbines

Low-carbon policies can be ‘balanced’ to benefit small firms and average households – study

18 Jan 2021

A review of ten types of policy used to reduce carbon suggests that some costs fall on those less able to bear them – but it also shows these...

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The Khone waterfall, Mekong River

Muddying the waters: rock breakdown may play less of a role in regulating climate than previously thought

21 Dec 2020

The weathering of rocks at the Earth’s surface may remove less greenhouse gas from the atmosphere than previous estimates indicated, says new...

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Green recovery must end the reign of GDP, argue Cambridge and UN economists

15 Dec 2020

The University helps the United Nations launch a new 'Ecosystem Accounting' framework: allowing governments to better include and reflect nature in...

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Fire: The Great Manipulator

14 Dec 2020

Climate change is driving more frequent and intense wildfires, damaging ecosystems and causing major carbon emissions. A Cambridge researcher is...

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Gulf of Mexico from space

New research will use space telescopes to monitor energy efficiency of buildings

07 Dec 2020

The University of Cambridge is one of 21 organisations awarded a share of over £7 million in funding meant to put the UK at the forefront of the...

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The conservationist, the herders and the fashionistas

02 Dec 2020

Respect for the Mongolian landscape is engrained within her, says Onon Bayasgalan. Her work is helping herders in her home country to preserve...

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(When) are you going to have children?

01 Dec 2020

The decision about if and when to have children can be one of the most significant many people will ever make. But – for those who have the choice –...

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Robin by TeeFarm on Pixabay

Connect to nature with '12 Days of Winter Wildlife'

30 Nov 2020

Researchers and staff at the University Museum of Zoology in Cambridge are getting ready to share their enthusiasm for winter wildlife in a special...

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Light bulbs

New green materials could power smart devices using ambient light

17 Nov 2020

Researchers have developed environmentally friendly materials that could harvest enough energy from indoor light to power wireless smart devices.

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Beyond the pandemic: build a greener future

09 Nov 2020

It is crucial that recovery from the pandemic is shaped to support the responses to climate change and biodiversity loss if we hope to mitigate yet...

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