
The energy researcher who wants to build better to consume less

15 Sep 2021

Against a global backdrop of rising energy demands and finite resources, Rihab Khalid set out to understand how buildings can become more energy...

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European lakes potential hotspots of microplastic pollution

14 Sep 2021

A study published today in the journal PLOS Biology suggests that human activity and land use in areas surrounding lakes drive significant...

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Wind turbine manufacturing facility in Arkansas, USA

Scientists set out immediate actions and future research priorities to help UK to reach net zero target

25 Aug 2021

A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for...

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Airplane landing

Cambridge-led team developing a simulator to help reach net zero flight

25 Aug 2021

University announces launch of Aviation Impact Accelerator (AIA) – a team of experts in aerospace, economics, policy, and climate science, who are...

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Pollinators: first global risk index for species declines and effects on humanity

16 Aug 2021

The Global South may have most to lose from pollinator loss, with Latin America at particular risk due to crop exports and indigenous cultures.

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Climate change will transform cooling effects of volcanic eruptions, study suggests

12 Aug 2021

Researchers have shown that human-caused climate change will have important consequences for how volcanic gases interact with the atmosphere.

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Alaska’s Pavlof Volcano: NASA’s View from Space

Earth's interior is swallowing up more carbon than thought

26 Jul 2021

Scientists from Cambridge University and NTU Singapore have found that slow-motion collisions of tectonic plates drag more carbon into Earth’s...

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Museum of Zoology displays ceramic art to explore Earth's 'breaking points'

21 Jul 2021

The museum's reopening exhibition uses the fragility of fired clay to throw attention back on to ecological decline, ecosystem collapse and...

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Monitoring the Meerkats of the Kalahari

16 Jul 2021

Getting close was a challenge. Cracking it was key to an incredible 30-year study of the wild meerkats of the Kalahari.

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Human fossil skulls and thigh bones

Climate changed the size of our bodies and, to some extent, our brains

08 Jul 2021

The average body size of humans has fluctuated significantly over the last million years and is strongly linked to temperature. Colder, harsher...

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Site of the Toba supereruption

Early humans were sheltered from worst effects of volcanic supereruption

05 Jul 2021

A massive volcanic eruption in Indonesia about 74,000 years ago likely caused severe climate disruption in many areas of the globe, but early human...

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Chunks of exotic green rocks from the mantle erupted from the San Carlos Volcanic Field, Arizona

Rock crystals from the deep give microscopic clues to earthquake ground movements

24 Jun 2021

Microscopic imperfections in rock crystals deep beneath Earth’s surface play a deciding factor in how the ground slowly moves and resets in the...

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