
A wild horse on Wicken Fen, UK

Cambridge researchers to tackle major threats to 'UK’s vegetable garden'

15 Feb 2022

Cambridge researchers will tackle environmental threats that could affect a third of England’s home-grown vegetables and more than a quarter of the...

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Exterior of Bath Abbey

Historic buildings could use solar panels to protect from rising energy costs

03 Feb 2022

Installing solar panels could help historic buildings beat the rising costs of energy, according to a new study.

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Crab apple tree in bloom

UK plants flowering a month earlier due to climate change

02 Feb 2022

Climate change is causing plants in the UK to flower a month earlier on average, which could have profound consequences for wildlife, agriculture and...

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Invasive species ‘hitchhiking’ on ships threaten Antarctica’s ecosystems

10 Jan 2022

Marine life hitching a ride on ocean-crossing ships poses a threat to Antarctica’s pristine ecosystems, with the potential for invasive species to...

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The Lost Words: a ‘spell book’ that closes the gap between childhood and nature

01 Jan 2022

The Lost Words is a book by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris that summons the magic of nature to help children find, love and protect the natural...

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Prescribed burn of grassland

Controlled burning of natural environments could help offset our carbon emissions

23 Dec 2021

Planting trees and suppressing wildfires do not necessarily maximise the carbon storage of natural ecosystems. A new study has found that prescribed...

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Arctic Ocean started getting warmer decades earlier than we thought

24 Nov 2021

The Arctic Ocean has been getting warmer since the beginning of the 20th century – decades earlier than records suggest – due to warmer water flowing...

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View of forest

Cambridge-built carbon credit marketplace will support reforestation

10 Nov 2021

A new Cambridge centre will bring together computer scientists and conservation scientists to build a trusted marketplace for carbon credits and...

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Pangolin trafficking: Iceberg tip of Nigeria's illegal trade revealed

04 Nov 2021

New findings on Nigerian-linked pangolin seizures suggest that current global estimates for trafficking of the animal are far too small, say...

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Outbreak of leaf-eating caterpillars

Hungry caterpillars an underappreciated driver of carbon emissions

03 Nov 2021

A study led by the University of Cambridge has found that periodic mass outbreaks of leaf-munching caterpillars can improve the water quality of...

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Planting mangroves in Jamaica

International group of citizens and scientists creates feasible visions of a resilient, net zero future

29 Oct 2021

As part of COP26, we asked people in six regions to imagine a globally net zero, climate-resilient future. Here’s what they came up with.

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Globe in woodland

Rapid transition to a net zero world

28 Oct 2021

The opportunity to make real and lasting change has never been greater. But we all need to act, and act now.

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