
Wheat crops being sprayed with fertiliser

Carbon emissions from fertilisers could be reduced by as much as 80% by 2050

09 Feb 2023

Researchers have calculated the carbon footprint for the full life cycle of fertilisers, which are responsible for approximately five percent of...

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Person checking barley in field

Cambridge-led consortium receives $35m to boost crop production sustainably in sub-Saharan Africa

31 Jan 2023

A Cambridge-led consortium has received US$35m (£28m) over five years to develop sustainable solutions to increasing the yields of small-scale...

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Small-scale octopus fisheries can provide sustainable source of vital nutrients for tropical coastal communities

26 Jan 2023

Undernourished coastal communities in the tropics - where children’s growth can be stunted by a lack of micronutrients – can get the vitamins and...

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Cambridge festival science demonstration.

First look at Cambridge Festival 2023

17 Jan 2023

Hot topics this year include an in-depth look at how we move from global risks to global safety, results from the largest four-day working week trial...

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Green Leaf inside a Computer Circuit Board

Big data's hidden cost

16 Jan 2023

As the climate emergency and cost-of-living crisis focus our minds on how to reduce energy, a group of scientists have highlighted the hidden...

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Runaway West Antarctic ice retreat can be slowed by climate-driven changes in ocean temperature

16 Jan 2023

New research finds that ice-sheet-wide collapse in West Antarctica isn’t inevitable: the pace of ice loss varies according to regional differences in...

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Solar-powered reactor for converting plastic and greenhouse gases into sustainable fuels

Solar-powered system converts plastic and greenhouse gases into sustainable fuels

09 Jan 2023

Researchers have developed a system that can transform plastic waste and greenhouse gases into sustainable fuels and other valuable products – using...

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Man installing loft insulation

Insulation only provides short-term reduction in household gas consumption

01 Jan 2023

First study to look at long-term effect of home insulation in England and Wales finds fall in gas consumption per household was small and only lasts...

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Drone view of agricultural field - a tractor is baling hay next to woodland

Paying farmers to create woodland and wetland is the most cost-effective way to hit UK environment targets

20 Dec 2022

Study of farmer preferences shows that turning whole areas of farmland into habitats comes with half the price tag of integrating nature into...

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Sea change for Hull

16 Dec 2022

With a changing climate and rising sea levels putting cities at risk of flooding, it’s crucial for planners to increase their cities’ resilience. A...

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London Underground trains

London Underground polluted with metallic particles small enough to enter human bloodstrem

15 Dec 2022

The London Underground is polluted with ultrafine metallic particles small enough to end up in the human bloodstream, according to University of...

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